The CARTV may, in exceptional circumstances, authorize a derogation from the obligations set out in the specifications for an appellation or the Standards for an added-value claim. Any request for derogation from a specification or standard must be sent to the CARTV using the derogation request form below. Upon receipt of the completed form and supporting documents, an acknowledgement of receipt will be sent to you, to which the CARTV may attach a request for additional information or request the transmission of missing documents. Once the application is complete, the CARTV has 45 days to analyze it and send you a reply. During this. period, the CARTV may contact you to request clarification about your request.
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Derogation request
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- Derogation request
Derogation request
The CARTV may, in exceptional circumstances, authorize a derogation from the obligations set out in the specifications for an appellation or the Standards for an added-value claim. Any request for derogation from a specification or standard must be sent to the CARTV using the derogation request form below. Upon receipt of the completed form and supporting documents, an acknowledgement of receipt will be sent to you, to which the CARTV may attach a request for additional information or request the transmission of missing documents. Once the application is complete, the CARTV has 45 days to analyze it and send you a reply. During this. period, the CARTV may contact you to request clarification about your request.
Thank you, we have received your message.
Votre demande sera traitée de façon confidentielle.
Le Conseil des Appellations Réservées et des Termes Valorisants was created by the Québec government in 2006 to promote and guarantee the authenticity of distinctive Québec agri-food products for the benefit of communities.