The Regulation respecting Criteria and Requirements for Accreditation stipulates the ISO (International Standards Organization) standards that apply to the Conseil’s accreditation service and standards for bodies that certify reserved-designation products.
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- Regulation respecting Criteria and Requirements for Accreditation
Regulation respecting Criteria and Requirements for Accreditation
The Regulation respecting Criteria and Requirements for Accreditation stipulates the ISO (International Standards Organization) standards that apply to the Conseil’s accreditation service and standards for bodies that certify reserved-designation products.
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- Regulation respecting Criteria and Requirements for Accreditation
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- Law and regulations
- Regulation respecting Criteria and Requirements for Accreditation
Regulation respecting Criteria and Requirements for Accreditation
The Regulation respecting Criteria and Requirements for Accreditation stipulates the ISO (International Standards Organization) standards that apply to the Conseil’s accreditation service and standards for bodies that certify reserved-designation products.
The Regulation respecting Criteria and Requirements for Accreditation stipulates the ISO (International Standards Organization) standards that apply to the Conseil’s accreditation service and standards for bodies that certify reserved-designation products.
Any questions?
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Le Conseil des Appellations Réservées et des Termes Valorisants was created by the Québec government in 2006 to promote and guarantee the authenticity of distinctive Québec agri-food products for the benefit of communities.