The Board is made up of nine members. Two members are appointed by the Conseil des Ministres: the President and CEO and the Québec government representative. The remaining seven members are chosen by the Conseil de Promotion de l’Agroalimentaire Québécois (CPAQ) from candidates put forward by associations representing the following circles:
- producers
- processors
- distributors
- retailers
- certification bodies
- consumers
- producers of alcohol-containing products.
Samuel Bouchard Villeneuve
Retailers representative
Public Affairs Director, Association des détaillants en alimentation du Québec (ADA)
Janick Boudreau
Distributors representative
Food Security Director, Metro inc.
Sébastien Daoust
Producers of alcohol-containing products reprensentative
Winemaker, vineyard Les Bacchantes
Jean-Claude Dufour
Member appointed by the Government of Québec
Marie-Josée Gouin
President and CEO
Conseil des Appellations Réservées et des Termes Valorisants
Christine Jean
Processors representative
Vice-president, Technical and Regulatory Services,
Conseil de la transformation alimentaire du Québec (CTAQ)
Stéphanie Levasseur
Agricultural producers representative
Second Vice-president, l’Union des producteurs agricoles (UPA)
Jacques Nantel
Consumer representative
C.M. Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus
Jean-François Philippe
Certification bodies reprensentative
Commercial Manager, Enregistrement CWB
Expert committees
The Conseil supported by the work of a number of expert committees.
Accreditation committee
- Denis Paul Bouffard
Author and speaker - Danielle Brault
Retired agronomist
Quebec Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food - François Décary
International development Desjardins - Stéphane Gagnon
Senior Organizational Information Systems Consultant
Desjardins - Clémentine Gombart
Impartiality committee
- Denis Paul Bouffard
Author and speaker - Pierre Legault
Retired lawyer - Arouna Wabi
Vice-President, Business Development at Normex
Surveillance committee
- Pascal Daigle
Consultant - Annick Demanche
Ministère de l’Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l’Alimentation - Marie-Josée Gouin
President and CEO
Conseil des appellations réservées et de termes valorisants - Jean-Pierre Lévesque
Lawyer, Caïn et Lamarre
Organic standards committee
- Danielle Brault
Retired agronomist
Ministère de l’Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l’Alimentation du Québec - Daniel Dubé
Owner-affiliate of Rachelle-Béry – Healthy grocery - Jean Duval
Consultant- retired agronomist - François Labelle
Agronomist – Organic dairy production expert - Yveline Martin
Market garden and fruit sector consultant, organic production - Nicolas Turgeon
Expert Advisor – Organic division
Ministère de l’Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l’Alimentation du Québec
PGI-Acerum du Québec and TV-Spiritueux d’origine agricole du Québec committee
- David Bérubé
Chemist – consultant - Luc Bordeleau
Chemist – consultant - Stéphane Denis
Strategic consultant - Annick Mercier
Business Area Manager – Caribbean & North America
Distilled Spirits - Jean-Sébastien Michel
Owner and founder of Alambika and Jesemi Distribution
PGI-Vin du Québec and PGI-Vin de glace du Québec committee
- Benoit Beaudet
Consultant – Trainer
Marketing – Cost of sales & Alcohols - Jérémie d’Hauteville
Œnologist - Hélène Dion
Sommelier consultant - Gaëlle Dubé
Agronomist - Isabelle Lafont
Cellar master and sales
Vignoble Les Artisans du Terroir
PGI-Cidre de glace du Québec committee
- Monique Audette
Consultant - Kathleen McNeil
Consultant - Caroline Provost
Consultant - Colombe St-Pierre
PGI-Maïs sucré de Neuville committee
- Arturo Duarte Sierra
Assistant Professor, Department of Food Science, Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences (FSAA)
Laval University - Audrey Simard
Co-founder and partner of Papilles développement
Quebec terroir products marketing consultant - Charles-Antoine Légaré
Food processing sector consultant
Ministère de l’Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l’Alimentation du Québec - Hélène Beauchesne
Food transformation consultant - Myriam Ertz
Professor, Department of Economics and Administrative Sciences
Canada Research Chair in Technology, Sustainability and Society
Université du Québec à Chicoutimi
Cheese sector committee
- Dominique Arsenault
Food processing consultant
Ministère de l’Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l’Alimentation du Québec - Idriss Ettabaâ
Business Development Director
Producteurs de lait du Québec - Martin Gilbert
Investment Development Manager
Promotion Saguenay - Patrick Mundler
Professor, Department of Agroeconomics and Consumer Sciences, Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences
Laval University - Réjean St-Pierre
Retired from the Commission de protection du territoire agricole du Québec
Partner in a dairy farm - Carole Thibault
Consultant in management, industrial relations and governance for the agri-food processing sector
PGI-Agneau de Charlevoix committee
- Alexandre Anctil
Consultant - Paul Caccia
Consultant - Francois Castonguay
Consultant - Hélène Méthot
Consultant - Colombe St-Pierre
AS-Sirop d’érable à la chaudière committee
- Sylvain Gaston
Consultant - Luc Lagacé
Consultant - David Lapointe
Consultant - Hélène Laurendeau
Consultant - Jean-Marc Lavoie
Consultant - Vallier Robert